Jenny Kane: Coffee, cupcakes, chocolate and contemporary fiction / Jennifer Ash: Medieval crime with hints of Ellis Peters and Robin Hood

Tag: Jennifer Young

Guest Post from Jennifer Young: Looking For Charlotte Blog Tour

I’m delighted to be able to welcome Jennifer Young to my site today, as part of her blog tour for her new release, Looking For Charlotte.

Over to you Jennifer…



About the Journey: Looking For Charlotte

They say there are only seven basic plots. I have a book about that, in fact, but as it’s almost 700 pages long and I’m time-poor I haven’t yet got round to reading it. But everyone who has (well done, by the way) tells me that it’s true and there’s nothing original in this world.

I didn’t deliberately set out to pick one of those seven, though I have done in the past. As it happens, though, my latest book, Looking For Charlotte, fits more closely to an obvious plot device than anything I’ve ever attempted, even the variations-on-a-theme-by-Shakespeare trilogy that I’m working on (the theme is Romeo and Juliet, since you ask).

Looking For Charlotte by Jennifer Young

The clue is in the name. Looking For Charlotte is a journey or, as it’s referred to in the book, a quest. ‘Quest’ is a wonderful, evocative word, old-fashioned to the point of medieval, bringing to mind knights on noble steeds undertaking challenges set for them by mistresses or magicians, with the ultimate objective (in which they pretty much always succeed) of winning the hand of a fair lady.

The quest which my very modern heroine, Flora, undertakes isn’t one laid on her by a wicked witch, or even something she has to do to save her relationship, win promotion or achieve fame (all of which are perfectly worthy objectives). It’s much deeper than that, and it’s also entirely self-imposed.

When Flora sees on the news the story of a toddler abducted and almost certainly murdered by her father (who then killed himself) her reaction is to take up the search for the child where the police have given up. No-one makes her do it. No-one forces her to go out looking for a lonely grave, puts the spade in the boot of the car and hands her the key, points a dramatic finger and says to her: ‘Go’.

So why does she go? It’s partly to absolve her own guilt at mistakes she’s made in the past. It’s partly to do good to someone else, a stranger. Personally she has nothing not gain from it but yet she goes, undertaking a journey which is both physical and emotional. And when it ends, on a moor in the wild north-east of Scotland on a wild-weather day to the accompaniment of birdsong, the story ends.

In success, or in failure? That’s for me to know and you, if you wish, to find out. Read on…


They parted just beyond the bridge across the Ness, Grace heading up the pedestrian streets and Flora cutting across to the library, fronted by the long line of cars full of Saturday shoppers manoeuvering towards the car parks. She wasn’t a regular library user, but once the idea had taken her she remembered that there was something she wanted to check.

In the reference section, she stood for a moment before selecting the Ordnance Survey map that covered the area south of Ullapool. She knew it quite well. When the children were young they’d gone walking there regularly, able to reach the open spaces without pushing the slowest (usually Amelia, though Beth was the youngest) too hard. They’d graduated to more difficult walks, then stopped walking altogether. Eventually she had developed a fondness for the slightly less bleak terrain to the south of Inverness, where she went occasionally with Philip and his brother, or with a colleague from work. She hadn’t been out all year, not since before Christmas, in fact, and even then they’d been rained off not very far in and driven back to the comfort of a tea shop in Grantown-on-Spey.

A nostalgic yearning for a good long walk swept over her as she unfolded the map and smoothed it out across one of the desks. She and Danny used to look at maps together plotting their routes. His stubby forefinger, with its bitten nails, had traced the most challenging route to start, sliding along the steep and craggy ridges until he remembered the children and reluctantly redrew, shorter, safer.

She thought she knew the place where Alastair Anderson had left his car, and found it easily enough. Under her fingers the map was a flat web of never-parallel lines, of ugly pock-marking that told of steep, loose rocks and inhospitable terrain, just the type of place they used to walk. Somewhere up here, Charlotte Anderson was buried. Carried there, already dead? Or walked there and then killed? Surely neither was realistic; surely they would have found her, with their dogs and their mountain rescue helicopters scouring the ground for new scars, and all the rest of the equipment they had at their disposal.

Looking at the map had been a mistake. It was obvious now. Besides, she couldn’t see it any more; all she could see was the image of Suzanne Beauchamp, that beautiful face with the cold façade, like a wax death mask from Madame Tussauds. More poignant, of course, since it must hide a struggle, a struggle to conceal or to suppress a deadly mixture of grief and guilt.

‘Go away!’ she said softly to this mirage of a grieving woman, a little afraid of its power. ‘Go away!’ And then, in the only defence left to her, she began to fold the map away…



Divorced and lonely, Flora Wilson is distraught when she hears news of the death of little Charlotte Anderson. Charlotte’s father killed her and then himself, and although he left a letter with clues to her grave, his two-year-old daughter still hasn’t been found. Convinced that she failed her own children, now grown up and seldom at home, Flora embarks on a quest to find Charlotte’s body to give the child’s mother closure, believing that by doing so she can somehow atone for her own failings.

As she hunts in winter through the remote moors of the Scottish Highlands, her obsession comes to challenge the very fabric of her life — her job, her friendship with her colleague Philip Metcalfe, and her relationships with her three children.



Make sure to follow the whole tour—the more posts you visit throughout, the more chances you’ll get to enter the giveaway. The tour dates are here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Buy Links

Tirgearr Publishing

Amazon UK

Amazon US


Author bio

I live in Edinburgh and I write romance and contemporary women’s fiction. I’ve been writing all my life and my first book was published in February 2014, though I’ve had short stories published before then. The thing that runs through all my writing is an interest in the world around me. I love travel and geography and the locations of my stories is always important to me. And of course I love reading — anything and everything.







Many thanks for visiting today Jennifer. Good luck with the rest of the tour!!

Don’t forget the giveaway folks!!

Happy reading,

Jenny xx



Guest Post from Jennifer Young: No Time Like Now

Today I’m delighted to welcome Jennifer Young to my site as part of her brand new blog tour.

Over to you Jennifer…


When I launched my current novel, No Time Like Now, with a day-long Facebook party, the most excitable thread of the whole day related to science.

Remember science? Those long, long lessons which always seemed to be on a Friday afternoon; the teacher who nipped into the chemicals cupboard for a quick smoke; the spotty kids at the back who cared nothing about learning and everything for as much disruption as you can possibly cause with the help of a bunsen burner?

Science isn’t like that in my book. “Scientists are totally sexy” cooed one poster. “ They’ve made science cool, so therefore scientists are cool. It only makes sense,” enthused another. Examples of sexy scientists on our TV screens abound. Some of them should probably be blushing.

In No Time Like Now, science is represented by Tim Stone, a smouldering geologist hero whose passions extend beyond rocks and very much towards embracing our heroine, Megan. (She isn’t a scientist, although her rival for his affections is.) But this is romantic suspense so nothing is straightforward.

Tim, proud of being a scientist, is driven by a need to know things. He’s proud of his ability to ask questions, filter the information and find the answers. “I’m a scientist,” he tells the rather more touchy-feely Megan. “It isn’t enough for me to know that things happen — I have to know why they happen. I have to understand how things work, what went right or wrong. That’s what drives me.”

So he’s the smart one the bright one — but she’s the one with the emotional intelligence, the one who understands that there’s more to life than plain fact, that the whole really can be more (or less) than the sum of its parts.

In the event, Tim’s desire for answers leads him into a very tricky situation and he’s dependent on Megan for his rescue. But his lack of emotional intelligence has already dashed their relationship onto the rocks (so to speak).

So there we are. A broken romance but one that a leaves passion still burning. A series of questions with dangerous answers. And the biggest question that Megan has to answer is: do you love him?

No Time Like Now by Jennifer Young

Read on…


When youve finished your coffee, Megan or Catalina will show you your room.

Im going to finish getting the supper ready. Could Cat do it?

Yes, Ill do it.

Tim placed his mug on the worktop. That suited him fine. He didnt particularly want to spend time with Megan either. If its okay with you, perhaps we could go now and I can get unpacked and settled in.

This way. Delighted to help, Catalina led him through the lounge where the briefing meeting was already getting rowdy, into the hall where he retrieved his luggage from among the rest of the kit, and up several half flights of stairs. Im sorry, were really busy this week so we had to put you in the attic.

Itll keep me fit.When shed gone, he dropped his rucksack in the corner and took a look round. It was a nice enough room, not too big but clean and bright, with a comfortable bed and crucially plenty of desk space. He stood for a moment looking out of the window. Checked his phone. Stood and stared out of the window again as he turned things over in his head. And over, and over, because the past was like a snake that just kept rearing its ugly head to strike.

So, Megan McLeod. It was only for a month. And shed made it clear how she was going to handle it, so hed handle it that way, too. Remain polite, always be civil. Give nothing away. And above all, never forgive.

 About No Time Like Now

Hiding away from a disastrous past, Megan McLeod is getting along nicely in her job as housekeeper at a university field centre in Majorca. But the arrival of geological researcher, Tim Stone, throws everything into disarray — because Tim was the father of the baby she lost some years before and the two of them had parted very messily indeed.

As if having Tim on the scene wasn’t bad enough, he’s there with his new partner, Holly. But when in the course of his research he comes upon something extremely nasty along the cliffs of north Majorca, he’s forced to turn to Megan for help.


Buy it from:

Tirgearr Publishing

Amazon US

Amazon UK



About Jennifer Young

Jennifer Young is an Edinburgh-based writer, editor and copywriter. She is interested in a wide range of subjects and writing media, perhaps reflecting the fact that she has both arts and science degrees. Jennifer has been writing fiction, including romantic fiction, for a number of years with several short stories already published. No Time Like Now is her second published novel; her first novel, Thank You For The Music, is also set on the Balearic island of Majorca.

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Many thanks Jennifer,

Happy reading everyone,

Jenny x

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