Jenny Kane: Coffee, cupcakes, chocolate and contemporary fiction / Jennifer Ash: Medieval crime with hints of Ellis Peters and Robin Hood

Category: Contemporary Romantic Fiction Page 38 of 56

Guest Post from Nicola May: Fast Love

I’m delighted to welcome Nicola May back to my blog today, to chat about her brand new novel, Love Me Tinder.

Over to you Nicola…

When I started dating not everybody had a mobile phone, so you would arrange to meet somebody at a certain place, at a certain time and it just happened.

Now to be honest I’m exhausted by all the technology that comes along with it. I mean what happened to good old fashioned courting? Rather than having to work out which is the best mode of communication for progressing the relationship; is he a Facebook messenger type of guy or does Skype float his boat? Can I not instead just pick up the remarkable object that was designed originally for vocal, yes vocal communication and talk to him?

I feel that so much gets misconstrued through messaging and I’m the sort of person who wants to know someone’s real honest feelings from the get go. Modern dating doesn’t encourage this level of intimacy. When someone likes me, I want them to call and show me that, instead of playing the texting game, which seems to have become the norm right now.

The current information overloaded digital world, where people’s minds need to be fed with whatever it is every ten minutes has transferred to the dating game and I think that this fast way of looking for love should slow right down.

To be honest, I don’t think the majority of people give relationships a chance anymore; a slight imperfection in character or looks and you can cruelly replace someone with the touch of a button if you so wish.

love me tindeeeer change position

Maybe you are just looking for Fast Love as in George Michael’s hit song, but if you are looking to settle down I think you should take note of writer, Margaret Atwood who said. ‘If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.’  There is no such thing as a perfect relationship or person for that matter. And, sadly as you get older you realise that there are rarely the happy ever afters you read about in novel’s like mine.

And, if today’s reality is thinking that you never have to compromise on something to make it work, there are going to be a lot of shocked single people left out there.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all doom and gloom. I kept my internet love search as real as I could and actually went on some very fun dates and met some interesting men. I didn’t find my Mr Right, however what I did find was that there was so much to write about!

In fact, almost immediately I realised that the minefield of good, bad and indifferent dates I encountered was a gift for creating interesting and amusing plot fodder, and so the idea for Love Me Tinder was born.

In brief Love me Tinder revolves around heroine, Cali Summers who decides to hit the world of fast love after her marriage breaks down.

Using room 102 in the hotel where she works as her dating ‘lair’, she opens herself up to a world of sex, lies, deception, as well as personal discovery and passionate romance.

This book is for anyone who has immersed themselves into the crazy world of app or internet dating or in fact anyone who wants an insight into what it’s all about.

It is a romantic comedy, but I also wanted to address the issue of fast love in today’s modern world and I hope I have managed to do this in a sympathetic, realistic and head nodding creating manner.

Link to book: Twitter: nicolamay1

Website: Love Me Tinder is out NOW as an eBook.
nicola orba


Nicola lives in Ascot in Berkshire with Stanley her rescue cat. She has a penchant for Prosecco, ripe peaches and flapjacks. Love Me Tinder is her eighth novel.


Many thanks Nicola,

Happy reading everyone,

Jenny x



Interview with Colette Kebell: Retail Therapy

It’s interview time! Today I’m delighted to welcome Colette Kebell for a cuppa and a chat.

coffee and cake

What inspired you to write your book?

Honestly being made redundant coupled with a hunger to get back to something that I enjoyed both at school and since, though prior to being made redundant, life just seemed to get in the way what with work, home life, dogs, hubby and just plain thinking I had lost any talent I thought I had due to the drudgery of a 9-5 job.

Do you model any of your characters after people you know? If so, do these people see themselves in your characters?

I have loosely modelled a number of my characters not only on myself and my husband but other friends and family.  Other than my husband, of course, none have mentioned to me that they saw themselves in my characters.  I guess I’m pretty good at hiding where my inspiration for each came from. Having said that I’m not sure whether that is a good or bad thing though.  It might sometimes be seen as complimentary to the person or persons involved, though not in every case.  There are a number of characters that I’m sure if those real life people had read my books, despite not recognizing themselves, would still enjoy as I have made even the villains humorous, I just couldn’t resist that one.  Afterall, Chicklit/RomCom are by their very nature meant to be funny, at the very least some of the time.

What type of research did you have to do for your book?

As far as research goes, I basically read a lot, wrote in a round about way about my own life experiences and used the internet as much as I could to fill in any gaps.  I hasten to add that they are far from biographical, but during my 50 years I have led a life during which I was fortunate enough to experience quite a variety of jobs, relationships, locations, foreign travel.  I guess, due to my parents having moved a lot and growing up being moved from place to place, I became rather resilient.  I am quite shy though so although friendships take a while to develop, usually I keep those friends for many years. 

Which Point of View do you prefer to write in and why?

The point of view I’ve used in all the novels is the first person.  Although this limits the descriptions to what the protagonist sees by way of experiences, I feel it is the one that also engages most with the readers, makes them live a life from the protagonist’s point of view.

Do you prefer to plot your story or just go with the flow?

I rarely plot a storyline.  I tend to go with the flow and see where the story takes me as it unfolds.  I did have some input from my husband during the writing process, discussing possible routes to take etc but at the end of the day, if the story doesn’t flow then, to me at least, it seems forced.  I don’t even have an idea of a title when I start off with a new book.  Having said that, one of my current WIPs, the whole story has materialized from my having the title to be begin with, so there is no hard and fast rule. 

What is your writing regime?

Due to having a very supportive husband and the kind of life we have had to lead the past few years, due to attempting to sell our home (which took 2 ½ years) my writing regime is almost non-existent.  I don’t mean to say that I don’t write as obviously if that were the case I wouldn’t have already self-published two books.  Having said that I write when I am in the mood, do marketing when I can, and am still learning the whole self-publishing process so there is plenty to keep me occupied.  My husband has had some involvement too as without him Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen! (Or so Mother Says) would never have been translated into Italian.  That far from simple task fell to my husband and by all accounts he thoroughly enjoyed doing so.  It took quite a while though as he does have a full-time job as well which keeps him pretty busy.

What excites you the most about your book?

I find it incredibly hard to put my finger on any one thing as there are so many elements to the writing process.  The laughter in our household during the writing process came first, as my husband read and discussed each of my books, just to give me another perspective.  Then there is the thrill of receiving each of them back from the copy editor, first sight of the covers, each and every review I read… there are just so many to choose from…

Colette Kebell covers

If you were stranded on a desert island with three other people, fictional or real, who would they be and why?

This one I found to quite a simple question.  The first person that jumped into my head, obviously for their talent, but also basically as a piece of eye candy, would be Hugh Jackman.  I just don’t consider that I could ever get bored of being around him.  Secondly, I would have to think of my survival so although Bear Grylls might come to mind I think I would prefer Robinson Crusoe.  Lastly, but by no means least I would have to say Joanna Lumley as we would certainly have a laugh when things got tough and she is such a trooper.  I could have said Michael McIntyre, but, do I honestly want to be surrounded by men?  With no female company I might just return to my tomboy status of my youth having fought somewhat to find my feminine side.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I guess, other than mentioning my books, which I’m sure you will do, I would like to mention that though the going is a little slow on them currently, I have three WIPs.  One is the follow on from Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen!, one is a further Chicklit which this time is set in New York and so I hope I can do it justice never having been there and the third is somewhat of a secret at this point as, just the title on it’s own, might give other authors ideas…

The books links are:

Blue and Green



The Retail Therapist



Senza Tacchi non mi Concentro!


As far as e-readers are concerned, I’ve covered all the bases as my books are available from all the usual haunts.  All but the Italian book are also available in paperback, on request from bookshops and libraries worldwide.

Colette Kebell


After being a Legal Secretary for about 10 years, Colette was on the hunt to find something else that she would find just as interesting. She found that in writing and she hopes you like what you read. She loves fashion with a passion (pardon the pun) and therefore it is not surprising that her debut novel was going to follow that theme.

Her debut novel was “Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen!” which was followed by “The Retail Therapist”, both of these being romantic comedies/Chick Lit, a genre she adores.

When she’s not in writing mode she enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, a task that usually produces good results; as her husband would say, as opposed to “his” experiments which often end in a culinary disaster.  She lives in Coastal Kent, UK with two adorable dogs. Oh yes, and hubby too.

You could also look at her website and see what news is on there at  or follow her on either twitter   or Facebook


Many thanks for a great interview Colette,

Happy reading,

Jenny x

News Flash! Abi’s House goes on holiday…

Forgive the major brevity of this blog post lovely readers. I am currently engaged in a battle with a flu virus which is currently- I’m sad to say- ahead on points! (Not had a cup of coffee in 6 days. My family are all wearing hard hats and carrying shields in case I crack at any moment.)

This being the case, I am trying to take it easy- but I couldn’t wait another moment before I told you some very good news!

The most popular of all my bestselling books – Abi’s House– is to go on sale in Turkey! Who could have guessed that what the good people of Turkey craved was a feel good Cornish romance, with added coffee, and a side order of fish and chips?

Abi's House new cover

I am thrilled to bits! can’t wait to see what the Turkish version looks like when it comes out!!!

Anyway- I just wanted to pop my head out from the duvet to share this with you. Off to bed again now. Presuming I don’t still have flu, then the edits to the sequel of Abi’s House (Abi’s Neighbour), will begin in earnest very soon. You can read part two of the adventure’s of Abi Carter, Max, Beth, and Jake in Sumer 2017.


In the meantime, you can find Abi’s House here- (as well as in all good bookshops)-


Happy reading,
Jenny x


Dipping a toe into Cornwall: Abi’s House

This weekend I was lucky enough to indulge in a rare escape to a lovely spa break in Saltash- just over the Devon border, into Cornwall.


Spoilt by my lovely friends with gorgeous early birthday homemade cakes (thank you Rachael!), and way too much food and wine, I was reminded of the happy friendships in my Cornish novel, Abi’s House – a summer read perfect to cheer up those dull weather days!!

Abi's House_edited-1

As soon as we crossed the famous Tamar Bridge, that separates Cornwall from Devon, I was reminded of Abi Carter – her escape from London to the peace and quiet of Cornwall- and the life changing adventures she had there!

Check this out- I love it!!  – YouTube link

You can buy Abi’s House here-– as well as here…



Here’s a reminder of the blurb!!

Newly widowed at barely thirty, Abi Carter is desperate to escape the Stepford Wives-style life that Luke, her late husband, had been so keen for her to live.

Abi decides to fulfil a lifelong dream. As a child on holiday in a Cornwall as a child she fell in love with a cottage – the prophetically named Abbey’s House. Now she is going to see if she can find the place again, relive the happy memories … maybe even buy a place of her own nearby?

On impulse Abi sets off to Cornwall, where a chance meeting in a village pub brings new friends Beth and Max into her life. Beth, like Abi, has a life-changing decision to make. Max, Beth’s best mate, is new to the village. He soon helps Abi track down the house of her dreams … but things aren’t quite that simple. There’s the complicated life Abi left behind, including her late husband’s brother, Simon – a man with more than friendship on his mind … Will Abi’s house remain a dream, or will the bricks and mortar become a reality?


Happy reading everyone,

Jenny xx

PS – Abi’s Neighbour will be out in Summer 2017!!


My First Time: April Hardy

It’s time for another in my interview series, ‘My First Time’- this week fellow Accent Press author April Hardy is opening the book on her recent publishing beginnings.

First Time

Can you remember writing the first story you actually wanted to write, rather than those you were forced to write at school? What was it about?

I must have been in the third or fourth year at secondary school, and those of us who wished to could hand write a “book” in an exercise book. A selection of these would go into the school library for other students to borrow. Anyone who’d tried to decipher my handwriting had advised me not to bother, as nobody would be able to read it!

So, with that warm encouragement ringing in my ears and a story burning in my mind, I’d grabbed a handful of scrap paper and set to work on a rough copy. My “book” was based on the true story of a woman called Kitty, who had run theatrical digs, a stone’s throw from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. My mother and aunty had stayed with her many times when their dance troupe had been working there, and had kept in touch after they’d retired from the theatre.

Kitty’s digs had still been popular in the 1960s when the lease on the building ran out. She was an elderly lady by then and, although she and everyone who knew her fought against it, she was re-housed in the brand spanking new town of Milton Keynes. A Londoner through and through, Kitty had hated the soullessness of the new town. She’d hated its concrete cows, its lack of theatres, history or community. It had been the beginning of the end for her and when she died, shortly before the “book “writing competition, my mother believed she’d died of a broken heart.

My “book” didn’t make it into the library in spite of my slow and painstaking efforts with my handwriting. Apparently it had the requisite beginning, middle and end but, the teacher said, the conclusion was far too fanciful. And too sad. I don’t know what happened to the “book”. I suspect if I could re-read it now I would cringe at my teenage prose.


What was your first official publication?

Well, that would be a recipe booklet I wrote for the Papadopoulou Biscuit Company when I lived in Athens! Food has always played a big role in my life, and I’d just completed a Diploma in Culinary Arts with an idea (a rather naive one now I look back) of writing cook books for a living!

What affect did that have on your life?

As we moved from Greece to Dubai at that time, the physical product slipped right out of my life. I didn’t even receive the copy I was sent. But the process of writing it certainly re-awakened the writing bug in me.


Does your first published story  reflect your current writing style?

Gosh! My first published story will be my debut novel, Sitting Pretty, a romantic comedy which comes out in July. I certainly hope it will reflect my current writing style as it’s one of three books I have coming out with Accent Press!

What are you working on at the moment?

Well, I’m working on a series of romantic comedies set in and around a trio of fictional villages in the New Forest, which is where I grew up. They are stand alone novels which feature the same settings and, in some cases some of the same characters may pop in and out.

Sitting Pretty is the story of pet sitter Beth, a young woman on the brink of a new life abroad, whose husband dumps her, by phone, just moments after the removal van has driven away with all their worldly goods. Suddenly homeless, Beth goes to some unusual lengths to keep her husband’s behaviour a secret, while she works out how to get him back …

Hazard at the Nineteenth, winner of the 2014 Literary Idol competition at the Emirates Lit Fest, is about bride to be Stella, who is sure someone is trying to sabotage the wedding. But would that someone go as far as trying to bump her off? Or has librarian Stella just read one too many Agatha Christies …

Kind Hearts & Coriander, a runner up in the 2014 Exeter Novel Prize, follows the story of London chef Polly who, on her mother’s death, learns she may be Hampshire hotel magnate, Charles Hetherin’s illegitimate daughter. Tracking him down, in search of answers, she finds more than she bargained on. A whole lot more …

The manuscripts for these are with Accent at the moment, so while I’m waiting to make a start on my edits on these, I’m tapping away at possible opening chapters for the next one in the series.


Sitting Pretty is out on 7th July 2016- The pre-order link is


Since leaving drama school I’ve had an interesting and (hopefully) creative working life, in UK, Greece and now Dubai. I taught infant ballet classes, did pantomime tours and summer children’s shows, interspersed with waitressing and working in hotel kitchens. I spent many years as a dancer, then choreographer, before re-training as a pastry chef in a Swiss hotel school, with a plan to write cook books. But it was having the words “Housewife – not allowed to work” stamped on my residency visa, here in the UAE, that gave me the freedom and the time to devote to something I’d always wanted to do – writing. The first manuscript I completed was a huge learning curve. It was a contemporary romance, set in London and Dubai and, though it remains unpublished, I learnt such a lot writing (and rewriting) it. And whilst at the Winchester Writers’ Conference in 2011, I met lovely Allie Spencer who advised me to apply for the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers’ Scheme. I spent four years in the scheme, soaking up the wisdom and knowledge of my “readers”. In 2014, I decided to try my hand at romantic comedy which, after all, was what I mostly read. I started writing Kind Hearts & Coriander, expressly to show to agent Luigi Bonomi at that year’s Emirates Lit Fest. It got me signed up by his wife, Alison Bonomi. In 2015, at the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s conference, I met the lovely Hazel Cushion, MD of Accent Press. I’d sent her the opening chapter of Hazard at the Nineteenth and she liked it enough to offer me a three book deal – all these months later and I’m still floating!

Winner of Emirates Airline’s Festival of Literature’s Literary Idol 2014


Many thanks April,

Good luck with your debut story,

Jenny x

Summer Reads, Blog Tour News, & a Book Launch: Another Glass of Champagne

It is with great pleasure that I can announce, not only that Another Glass of Champagne has been selected to be part of the Accent Press Summer Read, but that my blog tour is about to begin, and my book launch is only a few days away!

Summer reads

Over the next four days I will be visiting four fellow authors, chatting about Another Glass of Champagne, sharing a few of the secrets behind the story, and giving you a peep at the story itself via some tasty extracts.

jenny kane blog tour

Do drop by the following blog pages each day from 9am and say hello. A massive thank you to my fellow authors for hosting me.

The following links will work from the dates shown.

27th June- Marie Laval –

28th June- Laura Wilkinson –

29th June – Georgina Troy –

30th June- Helena Fairfax –


On top of all that- on 1st July I am holding my- rather late in the day- book launch for Another Glass of Champagne! This event will be held at my local Costa- where I wrote the novel- and will involve a book quiz for the whole family- with some great prizes! Part of the Tiverton Literary Festival’s occasional events,  and supported by both Accent Press and Costa Coffee, this will be a relaxed, fun, free to enter event, with coffee and cake! If you are anywhere near Tiverton in Devon, I’d love to see you there.

another glass poster costacoffee


To add the cherry to my cup cake- the first 2 reviews for Another Glass of Champagne are in- and they are both 5 Stars!

“…Going to miss this bunch, a lot…”

“…It’s nice to have the whole gang back together for the series finale, along with a couple of new faces to join in with – and add to – the drama along the way! Jenny Kane has tied up some loose ends perfectly, whilst at the same time creating enough new openings to wish that this wasn’t the last we will see of Jack, Amy, Kit et al…I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was sad to get to the end.”


Happy reading everyone- don’t forget to come and say hello to me while I’m blog touring!

Jenny x

The Story Behind Another Cup of Coffee

With all the excitement of my latest novel, Another Glass of Champagne, hitting the mainstream book shelves, I’ve been thinking back to how the series, which began with the novel, Another Cup of Coffee, first saw the light of day. It was certainly a long time in the making!

Another Cup of Coffee - New cover 2015



Thirteen years ago Amy Crane ran away from everyone and everything she knew, ending up in an unfamiliar city with no obvious past and no idea of her future. Now, though, that past has just arrived on her doorstep, in the shape of an old music cassette that Amy hasn’t seen since she was at university.

Digging out her long-neglected Walkman, Amy listens to the lyrics that soundtracked her student days. As long-buried memories are wrenched from the places in her mind where she’s kept them safely locked away for over a decade, Amy is suddenly tired of hiding.

 It’s time to confront everything about her life. Time to find all the friends she left behind in England, when her heart got broken and the life she was building for herself was shattered. Time to make sense of all the feelings she’s been bottling up for all this time. And most of all, it’s time to discover why Jack has sent her tape back to her now, after all these years…

With her mantra, ‘New life, New job, New home’, playing on a continuous loop in her head, Amy gears herself up with yet another bucket-sized cup of coffee, as she goes forth to lay the ghost of first love to rest…


As the blurb says, it took Amy thirteen years to come to her senses and sort her life out – it took me thirteen years to write how she did just that! Not that I’ve been sat puzzling at the pages everyday in all that time- far from it.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin the story of my story…

The idea for Another Cup of Coffee came to me all that time ago, but was originally only intended to be a short story for a competition. I had never written a story before beyond the requirements of school homework, although I had written poetry, some of which I’d been lucky enough to have published. The story, Getting It Back, was all about a quiet girl, who’s cut herself off from her old life after her heart had been broken, and told of how, out of the blue, a package had arrived through the post that made her look at her life afresh. That package was an old fashioned cassette tape, which had a variety of different songs recorded onto it- as was the craze in the 1980’s and early 90’s.

That short story was not well written, and quite rightly got nowhere at all. I gave up writing after that. I’d only entered the competition so that I had a project to do that would occupy my mind and keep me awake. I had a one year old at the time- and she never slept and was a pain to feed- totally the opposite of now bless her!!

So the story was shelved, and I didn’t go back to it for two years went, you guessed it- I had another child- and I remembered the story I’d written. Being the type of person who never throws anything away, I dug it back out, and in fits and bursts I turned it into a novel based on my experiences as a student, my time as an archaeologist, and a friends music obsession.

I’ll be honest- it was not a good read. So again, I shelved it.

Then, a few years later my children went to school- and as is fairly well documented, I had an idea for a very different type of story- an erotic story which I simply had to write down. The result was a persona I called Kay Jaybee.

Such was the unexpected success of Kay Jaybee, that I had no time to look at my first early attempt at a novel for years. I also had no confidence in it at all. I had become Kay, and Kay was good at stories that oozed kink- I wasn’t sure I could do a story that kept the pages turning without it.

It wasn’t until ‘Kay’ had a handful of novels, novellas and short stories under her belt, that I decided the time had come to prove to myself that I could do more- and so I rewrote Another Cup of Coffee– and to my surprise it was snapped up.

So- if you fancy delving into the story of Amy, her ex boyfriend Jack, and his best friend, erotica writer and Mum, Kit (sound familiar at all????), then why not give Another Cup of Coffee a sip

You can buy Another Cup of Coffee as either a paperback or an eBook from Amazon and all good online and high street book stores

Amazon UK-

Amazon US –

Then of course- if you enjoy this novel- there are three seasonal follow on novella’s as well as my new novel, Another Glass of Champagne, to read afterwards!

Another Glass Of Champagne


Happy reading,


And breathe…

I think it’s fair to say that I’ve had a busy couple of months- but boy they have been so much fun!!!

Writing is, on the whole, a lonely business. You sit at your desk (or coffee shop table in my case), and let fictitious happenings fill your mind, flow through the arms into your fingers and onto the computer screen, or onto the pages of a notebook. These last eight weeks however, very little actual writing has had the chance to form as I’ve been on something of a grand tour book wise.

(Take a deep breath20160430_091519 before you read this paragraph- well, sentence!)

Starting back in April with a brilliant World Book Night event arranged by Annette Shaw down in Dartmouth, travelling on to Chepstow to sell copies of Romancing Robin Hood to the wonderful folk who attended this year’s Hooded Man event (celebrating the 30th anniversary of Jason Connery’s adoption of the role of Robin of Sherwood, as well as the birth of the latest Robin of Sherwood audio adventure, The Knights of the Apocalypse – #KOTA), before heading off to London to be part of the aforementioned #KOTA premiere, and then back to Tiverton to arrange the local literary festival, before I dashed- only an hour after the end of the festival- off again to the NEC in Birmingham to attend a book event and award ceremony for the ‘other me’.

Annette Shaw introduces World Book Night


The cast of Robin of Sherwood

The cast of Robin of Sherwood

In amongst all that my latest novel was released as well- not to mention there was real work, life etc to squeeze in.

Now I’m taking a minute (well, a day), to myself to let it all sink in before I start writing my next novel. This new story will be much inspired by my travels with the Robin of Sherwood crew. Called The Winter Outlaw it is to be based, not of RH himself, but a group of historically accountable noble outlaws who admired his stories. (Out Nov 2017)

My fingers are itching to write again- but first I need another cup of coffee!

I’ll leave you with a few more photographs from my recent adventures,

Many thanks for all your support as ever. Writers are nothing without readers,

Jenny x


With Katie Fforde and the TivLitFest team

With Katie Fforde and the TivLitFest team


Wedding of Little John and Meg - (Official event photo)

Wedding of Little John and Meg – (Official event photo)



OUT NOW: Another Glass of Champagne

There are many occasions throughout life that warrant the rise of a glass of bubbly,

and for me, today is definitely one of them.

For the fifth and final story in the Another Cup of…series is OUT NOW!!

Another Glass Of Champagne

I’ve come on quite a journey with the main characters in these books, from the full length novel Another Cup of Coffee, through there Christmas novella’s, and now to the full length novel, Another Glass of Champagne!

Amy, Kit and Jack were all in the their thirties when I began to tell their stories- now, they are in their forties, and are facing the fact that age doesn’t give you the answers to problems. In fact, all it does is add to them…


A warm-hearted, contemporary tale about a group of friends living in a small corner of busy London, by bestselling author Jenny Kane.

Fortysomething Amy is shocked and delighted to discover she s expecting a baby not to mention terrified! Amy wants best friend Jack to be godfather, but he hasn’t been heard from in months. When Jack finally reappears, he s full of good intentions but his new business plan could spell disaster for the beloved Pickwicks Coffee Shop, and ruin a number of old friendships…

Meanwhile his love life is as complicated as ever and yet when he swears off men for good, Jack meets someone who makes him rethink his priorities…but is it too late for a fresh start?

 Author Kit has problems of her own: just when her career has started to take off, she finds herself unable to write and there s a deadline looming, plus two headstrong kids to see through their difficult teenage years…will she be able to cope?

A follow-up to the runaway success Another Cup of Coffee.


If you’d like to see how the story ends, then you can buy Another Glass of Champagne from all good bookshop and e-retailers. (You don’t need to have read the previous novels to enjoy this one)

Buy Links


Happy reading,

Jenny x

My First Time: Teresa Morgan

The last two weeks have flown by, and it’s time for another interview in my ‘First Time’ series. Today I’m delighted to welcome Teresa Morgan to chat about her first publishing experience.

Over to you Teresa…

First Time

Can you remember writing the first story you actually wanted to write, rather than those you were forced to write at school? What was it about?

To be honest, I didn’t realise I wanted to write until ten years ago. I’m a late starter! I started reading Fanfiction, but when I couldn’t find the stories I wanted to read, I started writing my own Fanfiction, so that I could write a romance between two characters that wasn’t in the show. A friend encouraged me to write it and put it out there.

What was your first official publication?

Plus One is a Lucky Number was my first novel to be published in 2013 by Harper Impulse, a Harper Collins imprint. My novel is more Rom Com/Chick Lit/Contemporary romance. There is some sex in it, because as I was writing it, towards the end of the book, I thought if I don’t give the reader something I’m going to leave them frustrated.

What affect did that have on your life?

I had achieved my goal. Knowing that your writing is good enough to be published by a publisher is the best feeling in the world, albeit still worrying. But for the first time in my life I feel I know what I want to do. I’ve found my career. I now feel so much more satisfied in life. I have to work to have a regular income but the writing makes it feel easier to endure.

Does your first published story reflect your current writing style?

It does and it doesn’t. I write my stories as they come, and hopefully I’m improving my ‘voice’. But they all come under the contemporary romance bracket really. Even when I was writing fanfiction, I was putting romance into it, plus some action. I suppose with Plus One is a Lucky Number being branded a romantic comedy – I did have to check with my editor if she thought the book funny – I’m conscious that my other novels should contain some humour. But I try to do it naturally, lacing the my writing with some of my sense of humour, so it’s quite subtle, and not deliberate, if that makes sense?

What are you working on at the moment?

Book three, working title: To Love Again. Harry is an ex-fireman and is supposed to be my reluctant hero, but I think the firefighter in him just can’t stop him helping people, so he’s turned out to be less reluctant than hoped. Maddy is my heroine, and the book starts with them very much hating one another as neighbours, but when Maddy’s house catches fire, Harry comes to her rescue and lets her stay at his house, and their relationship develops from there.


One Fine Day

You can buy Teresa’s most recently published book, One Fine Day, now-

Blurb: One Fine Day

Just a boy standing in front of a girl…

Actor Steve Mason has it all … gorgeous looks, the perfect starlet girlfriend hanging on his arm and his name on every Hollywood producer’s lips. That is, until it turns out the ‘perfect girl’ is actually a perfect PR stunt! Dumped and with his name plastered across every tabloid headline, Steve decides to head home to England, questioning if he’ll ever find a woman who genuinely loves him for who he is, and not just his place on the Sexiest Man Alive list.

It’s been fifteen long years since Ruby last saw her big brother – but the new LA version of Steve complete with designer wardrobe, California tan and an American accent is too much to bear – Ruby hardly recognises him and decides it’s time to get her brother back!

With Ruby’s help, Steve goes undercover as he plays the part of a regular guy who leads a regular life. And then one perfectly fine, ordinary day he meets lovely, funny, down-to-earth Lydia. But when Hollywood comes calling, will Steve be able to leave both Lydia and his little sister behind?

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Many thanks Teresa!

Happy reading everyone,

Jenny x

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